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Making a planting job

Use Field Jobs to record your planting jobs. Set planting rates and record details in the field history

Camilla Hayselden-Ashby avatar
Written by Camilla Hayselden-Ashby
Updated over 7 months ago


  1. Head to Activity tab in side menu, click "+ Field Job"

  2. Select Planting as the job type

  3. Enter further details in the job title to make it easier to identify later on

  4. Select fields from list or map to add to the job

  5. Add seed as an input and set planting rate

  6. Tag team members to add the job to their to-do list

  7. Set due date the job needs completing by

  8. Click "SAVE"


  1. Tap on "Field Job" button at bottom of the screen

  2. Select "Planting" as the job type

  3. Add details to the title, e.g. "Planting - oil seed rape" to make it easier to find later on

  4. Select fields to add to the job by selecting from the list or on the map

  5. Add the seed as an input by selecting from your farm inputs, or creating a new one

  6. Set the planting rate

  7. Set a due date for the job

  8. Tag the team member who will be doing the job so it appears on their to-do list

  9. Tap "SAVE" in the top right corner to create the job

How to view work

  • You can view job details by tapping the job in the To-do list or the Activity list.

  • The job will also be in the To-do section when viewing field information.

How to complete work

Tap the box to the left of the field name in the list to mark it as complete, or tap "Mark all fields as complete" to give all fields in the job the same completion information:

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