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Drawing sub-fields on mobile

Sub-fields allow you to divide your fields up into smaller areas to record multiple crops, grazing blocks or areas that are not in use.

Camilla Hayselden-Ashby avatar
Written by Camilla Hayselden-Ashby
Updated over 10 months ago

Now you can divide your fields up into smaller blocks on the mobile app, as well as our web app.

Mapping of sub-fields is only available on our iOS and web apps at the moment. We hope to bring this feature to our Android app soon.

How to draw a sub-field:

  1. Tap the field on the map

  2. Select "ADD SUB-FIELD"

  3. Draw a boundary shape using the pin tool.

  4. You can draw as many shapes as you like. Your shapes will be cut out for the main field.

  5. When you are finished tap save.

  6. The sub-fields will now be part of your parent field.

There are more sub-field options on the fieldmargin web platform. On web you can also slice, cut-out and add margins. Sub-fields drawn on mobile will show up on the web platform and vice-versa.

If you have any questions at all we are here to help. Please contact

Sub-fields is a PLUS and PRO feature. Upgrade to Plus here or sign up to a free trial here. You can learn more about plans and pricing here.

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