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How to set up your sub-fields

Sub-fields allows you to divide your fields up into smaller areas to record multiple crops, grazing blocks or areas that are not in use.

Camilla Hayselden-Ashby avatar
Written by Camilla Hayselden-Ashby
Updated over 10 months ago

You can use sub-fields to measure out areas for different uses and to keep accurate records. This feature will let you record different crops, have multiple treatment areas and keep different livestock groups within one field.

Sub-fields don't change your field boundaries and apply for one year only. When you set up a new Farm Year, you will get the option to copy sub-fields across from previous farm years.

You can set field usages, add notes, Field Jobs and attach livestock herds to sub-fields.

Sub-fields is a PLUS feature. Upgrade to Plus here.

Drawing sub-fields is only available in our web and iOS apps. Once set up, they will show in our Android app too.

How to set up your sub-fields - Mobile

How to set up your sub-fields - Web

How to start drawing a sub-field

  1. Select the field from the map or the field list

  2. Select “+ Add sub-field” on the side bar

  3. You will then see a menu bar with drawing tool on the map. To create your sub-fields you have 4 tools available: slice, cut out, margin and merge:

How to undo an action or start fresh when setting up a sub-field

Click on the 'undo' icon to undo an action. This can only be used while you are setting up the sub-fields before you press save.To clear all sub-fields while you are drawing them click the “Start Fresh” button.

How to slice your fields into multiple sections

Divide your fields into sections, e.g. for multiple crops or grazing blocks

  1. Select “Slice” from the tool bar on the map

  2. Draw a line across the field where you would like it to be split. Please note you need to start and finish the split outside of the field that you want to be divided.

  3. Single click to start the slice line outside of the field and double click to finish the slice outside off the field and make the divide.

  4. You can slice your field into as many sub-fields as you need. To make a second slice select the field you could like to divide and repeat the process.

  5. You can change the name of the sub-fields in the side bar

  6. Click "Save"

  7. Next will be asked if you would like to attach your existing usages to the sub fields. Select the sub-fields that you would like to keep the field usage that the parent field was originally set up with.

How to cut out an area from a field

This can be used to remove a non-farmed area from a crop.

  1. Select the field on the map

  2. Select “Cut out” from the tool bar on the map

  3. Draw an area that you would like to remove from your field. Add points for the outline of your area by clicking on the map. To finish your shape double click or click on your starting point.If you make a mistake you can edit your shape by dragging the outline of your shape.

  4. You can change the name of the sub-field on the side menu (e.g. Working area or woodland).

  5. Click "Save"

  6. Next will be asked if you would like to attach your existing field usages to the sub fields. Select the field that you will be growing that crop on.

  7. The removed area will now be set up as a sub-field. The area of this sub-field will be removed from the area of the other sub-field.

  8. You can view the total area of the field on the parent view screen. You can set up the removed area with a different field-use such as water or trees.

How to add a measured margin around the inside of a field

  1. Select the field on the map

  2. Select “Add Margin” from the tool bar on the map

  3. Add the margin width

  4. Click "Apply"

  5. You can change the name of the margin on the side bar.

  6. Click "Save"

  7. Select on the pop-up if you would like to keep your existing usage on the working area of the crop.

  8. The margin area will now be set up as a sub-field. The area of the margin will be removed from the area of the other sub-field.

This tool creates a margin around the whole field. You can read how to create a partial margin around a field here.

Merging sub-fields together

  1. Select the sub-field from the map or fields list

  2. Under the 'Sub-fields' section, click 'Edit'

  3. Select the first sub-field you would like to merge

  4. Click 'Merge' from the sub-field menu

  5. Select the other sub-field you would like to merge

  6. Click 'Apply' to merge the sub-fields into one. They will take the name of the first sub-field you selected but you can change the name on the side bar.

Viewing sub-fields on the side bar

The sub-field that you create will be visible on the map and on the field list on the side bar. Here you will also be able to view field-usage and the size of the sub-field.

The name of the parent field will be show first followed by the name of the sub-field.

How to view the parent field

You can view details about the parent field by clicking on the sub-field on the map or from fields list, the parent field name will appear at the top, above the sub-field name:

The parent field includes information about the individual sub-field areas and historic jobs that have occurred on that field.

How to edit a sub-field

  1. Open the parent field screen

  2. Click edit on the sub-field section

Exporting sub-fields data

If you would like to export the sub-field data as a spreadsheet or shape files please contact with your requirements.

Further support

If you have any questions at all we are here to help. Please contact

Sub-fields is a PLUS and PRO feature. Upgrade to Plus here or sign up to a free trial here. You can learn more about plans and pricing here.

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