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Download your reports and data

You can download your data and reports as csv or excel spreadsheets for analysis or submission for inspections

Camilla Hayselden-Ashby avatar
Written by Camilla Hayselden-Ashby
Updated over a week ago

As well as viewing your data in the fieldmargin app on the Plus and Pro plans you can download data as a spreadsheet (csv or xls file) and export reports like field history so that you can store it on your computer, print it, use it in further analysis or easily add it into another system.

You can download the following reports and data.

All of these are available from the Reporting section on the web app or via the 'print' button on field history and notes.


  • Field Jobs - a spreadsheet of all the jobs with completion information, inputs and yields for a farm year

  • Field list - a list of all fields with their area and usage set for that year

  • Feature list - a list of all features on the farm with their dimensions and feature type



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