This is a comprehensive list of fieldmargin features across all tiers to help you understand what fieldmargin can do, with links to more resources that teach you when and how to use them.
Access fieldmargin on smartphone, tablet or computer: fieldmargin offers mobile (iOS and Android) and web platform (login at
Most features are available on both platforms, but they may differ between device types and our full web app contains additional reporting features.
The mobile fieldmargin app works when you are offline.
Mapping your farm
Mapping field areas
Import boundaries stored on your computer or from John Deere with MyJohnDeere integration
Organising field uses and plan rotations
Set field uses to record crops or livestock that you have in your fields
Adding details to your map
Add coloured features for example fences, gateways, buildings and water pipes
Upload scanned maps or PDFs so all key data is safe in once place
Share your map
Get directions to a field, you can select a field that you need to travel to and get directions to it
Sub-fields will let you temporarily divide a field that you have mapped in fieldmargin.
Add field margins - you can tailor it to your needs by choosing the width that you need for your field.
Calculating an accurate working field area for spraying and fertilizer application
Planting, Spraying + Harvesting
Record field uses and automatically calculate total areas
Calculates amount of seed needed; just set the rate and select your fields
Records the rate and total seed used as part of the field history
Attach seed details as a file attached to the field
Record establishment data with located photographs
Draw out and automatically measure areas of land that did not germinate fully. You can use this to measure areas that need re-planting
Coming soon: Set up a working planted area
Spraying and fertilizer
Calculates amount of Spray needed; just set the rate and select your fields
View total sprays/fertilisers used per field
View rate of sprays/fertiliser used per field.
View totals used per farm for ordering, auditing and costings
Add multiple fields to a job for faster set up and see where work is on the map
Coming soon: Set up a working field spray area and check legal pesticide limits
Set up harvesting jobs to share with your team, record harvest yield with yield/ha and total per field.
Visualise yield data with graphs to help compare performance by field
Ordering and Stock
Set up a shared team shopping list using farm chat or comments on a note
You can export total inputs used from your farm. Use this data to keep your stock report up to-date
Animal locations and records
Record where your animals are and see them on the map
Edit herd number as animals are added or removed from the herd.
Manage grazing
Each herd has a history so you can look back and see what was grazed when
Automatically calculates field rest days to help estimate grazing availability
Easily check current grazing to see which herds need to be moved
Quickly check how many animals you have in a field to work out stocking density
Farm records
Use notes to record everything that happens on the farm, from livestock treatments to broken fences
Track work done to improve pasture productivity such as fertilizer applications with field jobs
Record plate meter measurements and pasture availability with monitoring sites
Produce field and herd reports
Not available: Individual animal records
Team management
fieldmargin is most powerful when everyone on your farm can see what is going on and contribute. Invite your team to access your farm so you can easily share maps and information, and discuss issues.
Work planning
Unlimited user invites on each farm subscription - Give access to farm workers, agronomists, advisers and contractors
A personal to-do list for each member of your farm. Set up Field Jobs to add work to a shared to-do list
Tag fields to jobs - this allow you to know the work location and area.
Assign work to farm members
Add due dates to work. Work is organised by due-date on the to-do list and team members get reminders for work they are tagged in.
Add comments and photographs to jobs to keep your team up-to date.
Automatically records who completed the job and when as you tick them off
Add multiple fields to the same job to make the progress quicker.
Print a job sheet or save as a PDF to send to contractors or team members not using the app.
Using your map
Easily share a map with new starts and contractors so they can get stared easier.
Team radar allows you to share your location with your farm and see where your team is on the map team when they are using the app.
Receive notifications when a team member creates a note or a job, completes work or adds a comment.
Farm Chat is an instant messenger for your farm where you can make notes for yourself and discuss things with your team.
Easily share a map with new starts and contractors so they can get stared easier.
Field scouting technology
Field scouting using your mobile
Attach photographs to notes to share more details
Walk around a problem area to note exactly where it is. Automatically measure it using the gps in your phone
Set up monitoring sites to track data recorded for your farm such as plant or pest counts
Maps and Satellites
Overlay drone imagery using our Drone Deploy integrations
Upload yield maps and drainage maps using map uploader
Add regularly updated NDVI analysis with Field Health. See variation in performance with regularly updated satellite imagery analysis so you can focus your time in the field on the areas that need it most.
Reporting and Audits
Reporting for Audits
Full records of seed, sprays and fertiliser used across the farm
Monitor input use by field to check you are within legal limits
Automatically view who completed the job and when as part of your records.
Use comments to save important details about work. For example weather conditions or plant growth stage
Use monitoring sites to mark out locations of insect and pest traps and keep a record of checks
Use notes to map out rat bait points and record evidence of pest activity
Add photographic evidence of crops growth stage and/or disease + pest damage.
Keep irrigation water usage records using monitoring sites
Share documents and show that systems are in place for staff training
Download field jobs as a pdf to show example spray and fertilizer records
Coming soon: Upload Risk assessment files to the relevant field/building.
Analyse your data
View a Field history from anywhere, including out in the field, on your mobile so you can easily see what treatments were done when
Review what you applied to your fields by year for costings
Export your data to excel for further analysis
Costings analysis
Environmental stewardship
Mark out stewardship environmental areas such as field margins, beetle banks or wildflower areas
Use located notes to monitor species counts and record evidence of management with photos
Attach files to fields with details of soil or tissue tests
Record data from insect traps for IPM
Health and safety
Mark out Hazards such as low hanging telephone wires with features
Share your live locations when the app is open when lone working
Report risks with located notes and photographs
Share location of First aid and fire extinguishers
Connect your data
We have an open API to make it easy for farm tech developers to connect with fieldmargin